Here's my hubbies Stapelia! (That sounds sort of nasty, doesn't it?) He picked it out when we went to the California Cactus Center a month or so ago. Anyway, I should give you all the details, but I'm so short on time any more, so I'll just give you it's scientific name:
Asclepiadaceae (ass-kle-pee-ad-AY-see-ay)
Stapelia (sta-PEL-ee-uh)
Hirsuta (her-SOO-tuh), and if you want more info you can visit
Dave's Garden, to find out more about it. (Why reinvent the wheel?) Do you see the three arms growing from the side of the arm? I'm so excited! Click on the pic above for a great closeup of the new baby arms, that I noticed just the other day. Here's a pic of the whole plant:
I want a Stapelia! I think I've been banned from going to the California Cactus Center. Rob gets bored to tears when we are there. Oh well...I'll just admire yours.
That is a great looking plant...love the way it grows all straighr up like that! New growth is so much fun...very exciting, for sure!
Hey Donna...next time I head over there, I'll pick you up one of their "plugs." They have Stapelia growing in little tubes that cost only $1.50! I always think of getting some. They're great plants!
Hey Julie..they're really neat to feel too...they are really soft and quite hardy...only thing is they have stinky flowers!
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