(P.S. As I wrote this, Jack jumped up and knocked over my tall planter....thanks Jack. Lava rocks everywhere. Thank goodness for my new dust-buster)!
That's Miss "Queen-Bee," or should I say, "Queen Cat" Stella relaxing next to the plants. (Click on the photo to see Stella and my plants close up). By the way, I think they've actually perked up a bit! Seriously! I was worried about the three in the largest pot. They weren't really doing much, but with daylight all day long, they already seem to be leaning and lifting up towards the light. Yeah!
That's a new plant in the tall slender pot, which I picked up at a place that I found totally by accident on my way to La Crescenta. I believe the place was called "La Cresenta Nursery." They've got so many plants, but not quite as many succulents as I would have liked, however, the nusery went on forever. It was like a botanical garden! They have a great variety of pots. The terracotta pots are very reasonably priced. (That neat slender one I got for $2.49). They have great statues for your garden too. I really want a native Indian statue! They're really expensive though.
Here's my new whirly-gig amongst my husband's gorgeous Aloe Vera. I got two, but one doesn't twirl. Oh well, it looks nice and it only cost a buck!
That looks really nice, Kelly. I like it! Hee-hee, Stella looks so cute next to the plants. The whirly gig is so cool! I think I need to do some succulent shopping today even though I'm dead broke.
Your succulents look so nice in the house! The kitties are always so darn curious...but make up for it by being so darn cute! Love your split rocks!!! I see Donna got one too...we will have to tell each other if anything happens to them, and why...if we can figure it out. I'm just watching and praying I dont do anything wrong!
I want to get some more plants too, but I haven't found too many different than what I already have! It makes it more exciting to go out looking though!
One of the cats knocked over another plant last night, but this time it was one of my new houseplants. It's very annoying, and what a mess.
Julie..yeah, Donna picked me up a plump one! It's so neato. It's from the same family as my Baby Toes, so I'm taking it easy on watering them. I love your tire gardens...when I get a yard, I've got to try that! It's very cool, and the plants you picked were great.
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