Family: Crassulaceae
Genus: Echeveria
Species Variety: Hybrid 'haageana'
Common Name: Green Goddess
Exposure: Bright Light
Height: Rosette
Bloom: Winter/Summer
Hardy to: 32 degrees
Water: When Dry
Here's what it says on the back: "Echeveria 'Haageana', considered to be a hybrid of Echeveria harmsii, forms frosty green rosettes that cluster quickly. Bell-shaped orange flowers loved by hummingbirds. Requires excellent drainage. Bright light for best appearnce. Water thorough when soil is dry to the touch. Protect from frost."
Oh hi! I found your blog and I too love succulents! This echeveria is really soft looking! I just planted an Echeveria "Tippy" in a tall jar for a terrarium-like look. It turned out pretty well, for a first try! Come visit my blog!
I'm so glad you're enjoying it. It's funny, I didn't realize that others could search my blog, and view it, which I guess is pretty dense on my part. I love how your plant looks in the jar! I'll HAVE to try that. I've got some of those jars laying around. Also, I painted a terracotta pot last night. I need to seal it this morning. It's for my new plants. I'm no artist, but I love having some color on the pots at a cost I can afford!
Hi- I just checked out your photo. I am not an expert, but I have this plant too, and I have it labelled as Echeveria 'Doris Taylor'. I also grow haageana, and it is much different- a water-lily type. This is all not too surprising- if you google either plant you will find photos that look completely different. Anyway, if you would like- I can send photos for you to compare.
Wow, so there's a different name for the Green Goddess? I'm finding that many have more than one name, or often are mislabeled. Yes, I'd love to see your pics!
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