Okay, so my old project, propagating succulent plants from leaves, blew away,
literally. Yes, Donna and I experienced a great deal of wind about a week or two ago and I came home to find my leaves and their corresponding pots all over the balcony, and dirt everywhere. I got over it and I'm trying simpler methods, but the other day I picked up some Aizoceace Split-Rocks, Lithops and Conophytum plants at Lowe's and one thing led to another...

So, I got this idea, (which always gets me in trouble), to try to grow Lithops. Why? I don't know, I'm just drawn to do it, and probably because in researching the plants, I came across a few people who were growing them from seed, so I had to try it! I borrowed a tank from Donna, and I'm going to create a greenhouse for the seedlings. I'm so excited, like a mad scientist! I just ordered seeds from eBay, from a company called "
The Cactus Seed." (Those are his pics up above). I'm getting a 100 "mixed" Lithop seeds in the bottom pic, and 20 Conophytum, which are those in the top pic.
I should have my seeds within 3 days, I hope. They're coming from Illinois. Hey, I wonder if the California Cactus Center sells seeds???? I emailed them once before, but they never responded, but perhaps I should try calling them or emailing them again? (What do you think Donna)? BTW...I was there this weekend, (The California Cactus Center), and it was great! It's an awesome store, with tons of exotic cacti and succulents, pots of all kinds, great soil, rock cover, etc. It started to rain, which was really interesting. I had a lot of fun that day! They have Sophia, the one-eyed cat, who sits in a box next to the register. She's so sweet. Anyway, I'll keep you posted on how the project goes!
I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what happens with the Lithop seeds. I saved a plastic container for you. It's an egg crate type thing that came with some Easter egg toys. Much better than a paper egg crate because it won't disintegrate on you during waterings. I think it will work for your seeds. I'll show you tomorrow when I see you.
Oh cool! Thanks Donna, this is going to be fun!!!!!!
Oh, I am so excited to see what happens!!! How fun will it be??? I would love to do something like this...do you have to keep the greenhouse in full sun, or under drowing lights while the seeds germinate? I keep thinking I need to invest in a grow light system that can sit on top of a table...just big enough for...let's say...a fish tank garden!!!
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