Yes, it's true: My beloved Split-Rock is no longer with us. I had taken this favorite of mine to work a month ago. I was gone over the long Spring Break, plus two more days because I had the flu, and my other pot of succulents was suffering terribly; withering from a lack of water. I watered both that pot and this one on Wednesday. Everything seemed fine. Even my boss, the principle at the elementary school I work at in Burbank, commented on how well it looked last week. (She loves to come in and poke and touch my plants). Well, I came in today and it was oozing and mushy. I thought maybe letting it dry out would help, but by the end of the day, it was clear he wasn't getting any better. The oozing only got worse. I pulled him out of the dirt and examined the roots, which were perfectly dry and not rotting, but some how I think this poor guy received entirely too much water. (I'm sorry sweet little rock plant). I feel bad, but what could I do? It's part of the learning process and I'm telling you now, take it easy on the watering of these beauties, as the outcome from
over watering isn't a pretty sight. (Rest in peace little rock plant. I'll miss you).
The first Succulent I ever bought and killed was a split rock. About two weeks after I had it, it just oozed until it was just the skin on the surface of the soil. I scooped it and the surrounding area into the trash.
You should pick up another one next time you see one at a walmart or lowes because they really are a cool plant!
Oh, I'm sorry! I agree with "I Wear green pants"...maybe you should get a new one. Maybe someone else in the office watered it and you were not even aware??? I worry about mine (it is out in my tires)...but so far it has been OK...I am still walking on eggshells though, cause from what I have read, you never know when it will happen!
I definitely will get another one, but I'm puzzled as to what I did wrong. I had watered it on Wed. and then it fell apart over the weekend. Maybe too much water? Maybe a fungus thing or something? Thanks for sharing your oozing split rock story, I Wear Green Pants, at least I know I'm not the only one who went through this. It's so weird how it just oozes. Strange.
Julie, I wondered that too! Did someone water it? Oddly, their was water drops under the plant tray. I always move my plants by leave for the day, as there's more sunshine there.
I've got a big split-rock here at home. I'm keeping my eye on it. It's in a pot with a couple of cool lithops, and a conophytum.
Don't feel bad - I've killed a couple different rock plants myself. I can't tell if I over watered or under watered them - kinda like with orchids. Vickie
Thanks Vickie. You know, my husbands split-rocks at work died too. Only one remains. Geesh! I guess it's trial and error, right?!
I wonder if my split rock plants are going to die? I accidentally watered my pot that I planted the 4 split rocks in. I was watering my other succulents this afternoon and I zoned for a minute and the next thing I know, I'm watering the split rocks, whoops! Oh well, if they start to ooze, I'll take some pics for you, hee-hee.
I have one just like it, it has gone 11mo. Without water and counting. There tricky little plants less is more. When growing these forget EVERYTHING you know about watering plants.
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