I really don't have to worry about this right now, as it has warmed up in Southern California, and it's really unlikely at this point that we'll have anymore frost. Today, for example, it's supposed to get up into the mid-90s. Yikes! I know Donna joins me in that sentiment. It's going to be HOT. Still, I so want to get an indoor plant system going. I really want an outdoor greenhouse, but that's not going to happen any time soon. So with apartment living, it's my balcony, with it's many challenges and indoors. Thankfully, I've got a ton of big windows to work with. Anyway, I thought I'd share some pictures and links with different seed starting, hothouse systems for you to look over with me. These products can be purchased at
http://www.planetnatural.com/, who offers "Earth Friendly Products for Home, Lawn and Garden." I've never purchased anything from them before, so this isn't a plug, but if any of you out there have, please let us know how it went.

I love the marketing illustrations on the
Heated Germination Station, and it's $33.50. They have heating mats at Orchard (Osh) for $23. I think this is a much better deal because you get the case too! But I like the next one a little bit more as it has a lot more room to grow things, at only about $6 more:

Hot House by Hydrofarm runs for $39.95 at
Planet Natural. Again, GREAT graphics and illustrations here. Makes me want to run, like the running tomatoe head, and get me one of these babies.
Then there is the Pot Maker for $16.95, which is what I was searching for in the first place, and what led me to Planet Natural. The name says it all. It's a perfect way to recycle by making handy little pots using newspaper. Of course, Mr. Brown Thumb has a great article on Homemade Seed Pots that you should check out. You wouldn't even need this handy little device, although I'd love to have one anyway! Here's a great picture of it that I found at the Burpee website.

Here's a
seed starting kit for $49.95 that is carried at
Planet Natural. It features "Cocoplugs" which apparently make it much easier to start your plants. I've never heard of them before, so I'll have to do some research. Here's a picture of it from
Planet Natural:

Okay, so here's some info from
Planet Natural that gives a little more information on what these Cocoplugs are:
"Organic Starter Plugs -100% organic. Coconut fiber starter plugs for seeds and cuttings. Ideal medium for certified organic growing applications. Lightweight and easy to handle. Expands instantly! OMRI Listed for use in organic production. Can be used with most seed flats.Unique features:• Netting-free - will not harm delicate roots• Nourishing - no added nutrients needed• Low in sodium for excellent drainage• Lightweight and easy to use• OMRI-listed." The refills cost $4.50 for a 24 pack and you can get them here at Planet Natural.
Whoa! And check out the HydroHut below. I think it's a little to scientific for me at this point, but it's pretty cool:
I bought some strawberry plants and herbs to plant with my daughter Chloe, but I didn't go all organic, which annoys me, so I think I'm going to try to pick up some organic fertilizers and soil the next time around, along with purchasing organic plants. Okay, enough of this for now. I'm going to research a little more and see what else I can dig up. I'll share my findings afterwards on another blog.
The seed starting kits look neat. I'd love to do something like that. Post some pics when you and Chloe get your seeds going. It looks like so much fun! :)
I sure will! I have quite a few herbs going right now. The germination dates are all over the map! The Chamomile and Parsley germinates in 14-21 days. Geesh, that's a long time. The Morning Glory seeds germinate in 10-16 days and then the basil germinates in 7-14 days. We'll be waiting a little while, but at least after they germinate, they don't grow as slow as the Lithops!
Ha ha ha...you are funny about the new plants not growing as slowly as the Lithops!!! LOL. These heating things are something I know nothing about...but good luck with your decision and your new seed growing!!!
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