I'm so bad...now I got my Mom into succulents and then she told her Mom, my Nanny, and she wants to start growing them too! We got these when I was up there visiting. They don't have them at too many garden centers, as it gets very C-O-L-D up there, so you'd have to bring them inside during the winter/spring. We picked up 5 of these at Lowes in Carson City, Nevada, and they come from
The Cactus Collection too, same as our local Lowes. I brought my Mom the Bear Paw plant for Easter, and then we picked up Elephant Bush, two Echeverias, a Split-Rock, and Blushing Beauty. My Mom bought the green-blue pot on the left with the three plants in it for herself and I, then we found the rest of the pots around her house. I took a picture of her plants with another one of her new gnomes. I really like this one! She wanted to get me one, but they were out of them at Raleys. She was really bummed out.
My Mom and my Nanny are amazing plant growers, always have been. Our house was always filled with lots of plants. I think that's why I love them so much, but I really haven't had too many plants in my house, only one, since having kids. They were enough to take care of when they were little, but now that they are bigger, I'm getting back into them. My Mom gave me some Creeping Charlie/Swedish Ivy plants and these other very common green ones, but the name fails me. I'm pretty sure it begins with a "P." I'll post some pics of them.
I really love collecting glazed pots. I love the tall yellow-blue-green pot that houses my Mom's echeveria above. I am still thinking it would be fun to attempt making some in a pottery class. I stunk at it in high school, but I'd be more interested in it now.
I've always wanted to try a pottery class...I hope you will do it...it would be so fun to create something beautiful for your succulents to live in!!! Or other plants! I love ivys!
I'm working on my undergraduate degree right now, and I'm thinking you've got to take some sort of art class, right? I'll figure out a way to work it in. I love the pottery at the California Cactus Center. I think they support a lot of local artists. Some of it is quite rustic and some quite funky. I'll make a point of putting up some pictures next time I'm there!
This is such a pretty picture...I came back across it, and the pots together with the plants in that light makes for a lovely photo! You make me want to go take a college class in horticulture!
I'd love to take a class in horitculture! I actually thought about it, 'cause I love plants so much. Thank you! That room in my Mom's house has such beautiful lighting. I thought it was perfect for her plants until it's warm enough to move them outside.
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